We've made it easier to book tickets for one off events by making them available on Ticket Source. If you're not already signed up to Class Manager and you just want to book a single event, use the link below!
To join recurring classes you'll still need to sign up as before - follow the links under the relevant section down the page.
New street and commercial dance class suitable for older teens and young adults. For beginners aged 17+.
Wednesdays at 6:40PM
No commitment required, just come and dance, have fun and make friends when you are available!
We're excited to now be able to offer ballet classes!
For Children: Beginner Ballet for ages 4-11.
For Adults: Ballet for over 50s, Intermediate Open Ballet, or Beginner Ballet.
These classes are specifically designed for ages 4-7 years old. Focusing on the Rosette Syllabus with the IDTA. We teach the technique as well as learning lots of fun dances.
We offer classes Ballroom, Latin, Freestyle, Street and Rock 'N' Roll at Rosette level.
Above is one of our Rosettes competing at Nationwide Finals with the IDTA.
MAD Starz runs on a Monday at 4pm and on a Saturday at 11am.
This class focuses on the Star dance Syllabus with the IDTA. The syllabus is great fun, continuing development of technique as well as incorporating fun moves and steps.
This is predominantly aimed for ages 6-10 years.
We offer classes Ballroom, Latin, Freestyle, Street and Rock 'N' Roll at Star Dance level.
Above are a couple of our Star dancers competing at Nationwide Finals with the IDTA.
Our S.E.N.D classes are designed to give your child or adult the best experience while learning to dance, BECAUSE everyone CAN dance!
Our MAD Seniors dance on a Monday evening. These dancers are high graded and it is an invitation only class, based on grade levels.
These dancers predominantly are invited to do performances, assist and partner in classes.
MAD Club is our class for Freestyle, Street and Rock 'N' Roll on either a Monday at 4.45pm or Saturday at 10.05am.
This class is for ages 9+, being such a popular class we have split into two groups to ensure that we can cater for the ever growing class.
This class tend to focus on our Social dance and graded work.
These classes are great fun and our most popular classes in the School.
Our MADvanced dance on a Saturday morning at 9am. These dancers are high graded and it is again an invitation only class, based on grade levels.
This class is a fast paced class in Freestyle, Street and Rock 'N' Roll specifically for ages 13+
Contemporary classes contain a mixture of:
and Technique building up to multiple performances throughout the year/ Alongside creating choreography for performances students will also learn the Rambert Grades syllabus. Classes are divided based on grade.
Our Acro classes for five years old and up classes are divided by age and ability. These are held on a Friday at the MAD Hub.
Classes are fun focusing on core strengthening, improving flexibility and of course tricks. Our classes are based off Acrotrix syllabus.
Ballroom and Latin Dancing.
Learning the discipline of Ballroom and Latin style dances whilst having fun, these offer a variety of benefits, both physical and social.
It is good for improving your co-ordination, whilst working on your stamina and core strengthening.
MADults is our fun and beginner Freestyle, Street and Rock 'N' Roll class. Learning the basic technique, whilst exercising, laughing and making lots of new friends, we meet every Monday (term time only!).
There are various social meets throughout the year and the opportunity to be apart of our annual show.